A downloadable game

### Overview of the Color Guessing Game

**Game Description:**

The Color Guessing Game is an interactive web-based game designed to test and enhance a player's ability to distinguish between different hues and shades of colors. It's a fun, engaging, and visually stimulating game that challenges players to match a displayed target color with one of the several colors presented in a grid layout.

### How the Game Was Made

**Technologies Used:**

1. **HTML**: For structuring the game's layout.

2. **CSS**: For styling the game elements, including the color grid, buttons, and animations.

3. **JavaScript**: For implementing the game logic, handling user interactions, and dynamically generating content.

**Key Components:**

- **Main Menu**: Where players can select the difficulty level and start the game.

- **Game Container**: Displays the target color, the score, a grid of colors, and a quit button.

- **Confetti Animation**: A visual celebration triggered on correct guesses.

- **Audio Feedback**: Audio cues for right and wrong guesses, enhancing the user experience.

### How to Play

1. **Starting the Game**: Players begin by choosing a difficulty level and clicking the 'Start Game' button on the main menu.

2. **Gameplay**:

   - A target color is displayed at the top of the game area.

   - Below the target color, a grid of 25 color squares is presented.

   - Players must click on the square that they believe matches the target color.

3. **Difficulty Levels**: The game offers several levels of difficulty, affecting how similar the colors in the grid are to the target color. The higher the difficulty, the more subtle the differences between the colors, making the game more challenging.

4. **Scoring**: Players score a point for each correct guess and lose a point for a wrong guess.

5. **Audio and Visual Feedback**: Correct guesses are rewarded with a confetti animation and a positive sound effect, while incorrect guesses result in a different sound effect.

6. **Ending the Game**: Players can quit the game at any time by clicking the 'Quit Game' button, which takes them back to the main menu.

### What the Game Creates and Generates

**Dynamic Color Generation**:

- Each new round randomly generates a target color.

- The grid is populated with color variants based on the chosen difficulty level. These variants are generated by slightly altering the RGB values of the target color within a predefined range.

**Responsive Gameplay**:

- The game responds to player interactions, providing immediate feedback on guesses.

- It dynamically updates the score and refreshes the grid with new colors after each guess.

**Audio-Visual Elements**:

- The confetti animation and audio cues add an enjoyable and rewarding layer to the gameplay, enhancing player engagement.

### Conclusion

The Color Guessing Game is a simple yet captivating game that combines color theory with interactive elements to create a fun and educational experience. It's suitable for players of all ages and can be particularly beneficial for those looking to improve their color recognition skills.


Modified_ProcGen_Color_Matching_Game - Copy.html 14 kB

Install instructions

This is an HTML file so the only way to play this game is to open the HTML file in your default browser and play it there. 

Development log


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P.S. Everyone this is the first game I have ever made and I am having a lot of fun creating it. So, please feel free to try it out. It would mean a lot to me. :)